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Loving her through listening

building strong marriages communication healthy marriage husbands selflessness in love wives Aug 24, 2024

When your wife is in pain or struggling, it's essential to recognize that she isn't broken—she's hurting. This distinction is crucial. Pain and struggle are a part of life, and they don't define her worth or capability. Instead of viewing her as someone who needs fixing, see her as someone who needs love, support, and understanding.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to jump into problem-solving mode. While it might come from a place of love, offering solutions or telling her what to do can sometimes feel dismissive to her emotions. It sends the message that her feelings aren't valid or that she's incapable of handling the situation herself. What she often needs most in those moments is your presence, not your advice.

The best way to show her love is by asking, "How can I best love you right now?" This simple question does wonders. It communicates that you're here for her in the way she needs, not just in the way you think is best. It gives her the space to express her needs and lets her know that you value her feelings and autonomy.

Loving her through listening is a powerful way to support her. When you listen—really listen—you create a safe space where she can share her struggles without fear of judgment or unsolicited advice. She doesn't need you to solve her problems; she needs you to walk with her through them. Your empathy, patience, and understanding are what will make her feel loved and supported.

Sometimes, just being there, holding her hand, and letting her know you're with her in the moment is all she needs. Let her express her pain, cry if she needs to, or simply talk through what’s on her mind. Your role is to be a supportive presence, to acknowledge her feelings, and to reassure her that she’s not alone.

Remember, love isn't always about doing; sometimes, it's simply about being—being present, being compassionate, and being patient. In these moments, your quiet, steady support can be the greatest gift you offer her.


Until next time, stay Anchored in Love & Guided by King!



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