Leaning on Gods word
May 13, 2024This past Sunday was Mothers day and our church had a wonderful panel of moms lined up to give their sound advise. They spoke into the lives of moms walking through every phase of parenting. I believe, much as I could relate with each of them in one way or another, so did other moms. As I sat down today and started to think about what direction God was pointing me a phrase that one of the moms said stuck out, "Lean on Gods word".
Lean on, dig in, draw upon and press forward. These words describe the act of a steady push, when all you can feel is the world around you shaking.
Your marriage may not appear to be the sunshine and roses it once was. Maybe it was never sunshine and roses but there has always been something that has kept you together. You can't quite put your finger on it. Money, no. Kids, maybe. It's just easier than all that paperwork…no that’s not really it either. I've heard all of these reason, and a whole lot of other ones too, but the answer is much deeper than all of these surface feelings, and it's composed of just three letters, GOD.
He has always been, and will always be there rooting you both on. Saying, "hold on my child, hold on my son and my daughter because Ive got you." In Philippians Paul (who I can relate on so many levels with) writes of "forget those things which are behind, reach to the things that are befor you and pressing toward the mark" (3:13-14) He is referencing pressing on into Jesus.
If you are new to my writing and\or new to my husband Ron and I's ministry, we believe strongly that we could not have arrived to where we are in our marriage without being more like Jesus, and letting God be God.
Only God can do what God can do!
How do you know this for truth? Well, take just a few more steps when it seems like all hope is gone, and dig in and draw upon Gods word. If you go in with an open mind and spirit I bet you'll see the words "watch out somebody because we're coming through this mess!"
I know when we dug our heels in, we found the victory promised!
Until next time, stay Anchored in Love & Guided by King!
Perfectly Imperfect,
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