Becoming the best version of you, what exactly does that mean?
Jun 03, 2024Well for me, and I hope you too, it means that I draw closer to God. Consistently and intentionally, working to become the woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, co-worker, ect., He has called me to be. Now don’t get me wrong, some days I’m just plain old tired and even just typing that out exhausted me a bit. But, I can say, “this is the way” (as the Great Mandalorian, Mando says) whether you are a woman or a man.
When our focus is on Gods purpose, we become free from the focus the world places on who we should be. Listen I’m going to fill you in on a few lies that you hear often and likely have bought into (I sure did) and then I’m going to follow them up with the truth, giving you direction.
- Follow your heart. Lie. Jesus tells us to “Follow me, because the heart is deceitful.”
- Believe in yourself. Lie. Jesus tells us to “Believe in me, I am the way, the truth and the Life”
- Live your truth. Lie. Jesus actually said “I am the truth. You’ll know the truth and truth will set you free.”
- As long as you’re happy that’s all that really matters. Lie. Que Jesus, “What will it profit a man/woman if he gains the world but loses his soul?”
I wrote this down some time ago and unfortunately the author was listed as unknown, I wish I could give them the credit due for these words left a great impact on me. “The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportionate to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away.”
Maybe a take a moment and go read that again, I’ll wait……
Communication and problem solving are the biggest issues in relationships. The instant reaction of the average person is to get defensive and stop listening to hear but instead listen to defend. (I bet you read that, and your first thought was that’s not me…😊) The topic can range from work, finances, kids, sex, tv shows, how dinner was cooked, ect. You name it, no one likes their toes being stepped on. But, when we focus on Jesus then we become open to hear where “they are coming from.” And we see it’s not an ambush or a frontal assault!
Here is another truth, your spouse is a reflection of you.
Yeah, we are all our own person.
We are the person God created; a child of God, a friend of Jesus, an heir, a saint….
but God also, created us to become ONE.
To become one, first God must be first and we need to accept and know His truths.
Then you will become the best version of you and unite in purpose with your spouse.
This post was written with these versus in mind:
Phillipians 2:4-5
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus…,”
Galatians 5:22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
Until next time, stay Anchored in Love & Guided by King!
Perfectly Imperfect,
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