Are you an ambassador for Christ or for yourself?
Apr 28, 2024I was reading recently, and a few key words stood out in a verse. They seemed to be in all caps and bold letters, might as well have even been underlined. This was in 2 Corinthians 5:20, "We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading thru you." Let’s start with a breakdown of what it means to be an ambassador for Christ personally and then we can dig into being an ambassador in and for our marriages.
Being an ambassador of Christ is being a messenger for the ideas and values that Jesus taught. It involves sharing his message of salvation, forgiveness, and bringing people closer together. As ambassadors of God's kingdom, we have the role of spreading these important teachings and carrying out the responsibilities that come with it.
In and for our marriage;
Being an ambassador for Christ in our marriages means embodying the principles and values that Jesus taught in how we relate to our spouses. It involves being a reflection of his message of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation in our interactions with each other.
Here's a common scenario: You and your honey have had an argument, and tensions are running high. Instead of letting anger and frustration take over, you take an intentional moment to pause. Now what you do in that moment of pause will make all the difference. I'm suggesting you reflect on the teachings of Jesus. What is He suggesting? How did He approach these types of situations? Did He choose to approach the situation with humility, empathy, and a desire for reconciliation? Would He suggest actively listen to your spouse's perspective without judgment? Seeking to understand their feelings and concerns?
Rather than responding defensively or lashing out, you respond with kindness and grace, offering words of apology where necessary and extending forgiveness freely. Through your actions, you demonstrate Christ-like love and compassion, prioritizing the well-being of your marriage over being right or winning the argument. And in doing so, you exemplify what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in your marriage, showing grace, forgiveness, and a commitment to building a strong and loving partnership rooted in the teachings of Jesus.
As ambassadors for our marriages, we have the responsibility to represent these values in how we represent marriage to others. When you are asked, "So how's married life?" How do you answer?
A funny story about your latest disagreement? (lighthearted or maybe not so much) Irritation over an ongoing annoyance, such as clothing just outside the hamper? Something funny, or ironic, basically something that shows it's clear the honeymoon phase is over, and that married life isn't all it’s cracked up to be.
What if we shocked people and said, just the opposite of what they expected "It's amazing. I love being married and being a wife (or husband)!"
Now I'm sure my married friends are out there thinking, "It's not always amazing Sam. Sometimes, honestly, I just want to throat punch them or smother them in their sleep!"
And you are right!
Marriage isn't perfect; we all have flaws, and marriage comes with its own fun set of challenges. But, for those who work to grow both individually as well as a couple, marriage brings benefits—it strengthens society, builds communities, supports families, and enriches individuals' lives. But when I hear people speak about marriage, far too often, what's being said is more along the lines of; wait until you've played the field a little make sure you find the right one. Or, until you've lived together and see how that works. Or life is really no different than it was before. We just made it official, that’s all. It sounds more like a lot of regrets, and less like marriage is the beautiful union it is.
Ever hear that old saying, "Nothing worth having comes easy." Well, I can attest, having a good strong marriage is worth the hard work you put into it. Have a best friend to come home to every night, there is nothing better in this world!
First, be an ambassador for Jesus.
Then, be an ambassador in and for your marriage!
Until next time, stay Anchored in Love & Guided by Faith!
Perfectly Imperfect,
Sam & Ron
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