This is a space where I, Sam, one part of the married duo, will share some of our everyday highs and lows in this crazy thing we call A Perfectly Imperfect Marriage.


With a strong emphasis on IMPERFECT!


"We do NOT DO because we cannot. We DO NOT do because we do not want to.  For when we want to do something we make a way."

Is your marriage in shambles?
Recently, Ron and I have both spoken with quit a few people who are either desperate to fix their marriage or end their marriage. Unfortunately, the higher number seems to be leaning toward "end their marriage."
The one question we are ask the most, should I/we just end it? And the one answer we...
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Finding Faith
Every day I find myself rushing around. So much to do. So many appointments to meet. So many tasks to check off my list, both on paper and the items in my mind piling up.
How about you?
I'm fairly certain more than half of you reading this are nodding your head, and thinking, if I don't d
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Unresolved Issues

I bet when you got married you had no idea that you were signing up for a set of UNRESOLVAVLE issues. Things that your spouse loves, and you, not so much. And things you love, and your spouse, not, so, much.

How do you both deal with these differences.

Do you pout? Throw around some guilt comments...

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Freedom In Marriage

Marriage, “A Limit on Freedom” 

Ephesians 4:2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 


This week I would like to pour into you, both. The ones who are struggling. The ones who have it all together. The ones who can...

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Tourist or Traveler

Are you a tourist or a traveler in your marriage?

A tourist wants to escape everyday life.

A Traveler wants an experience the journey and the sights.

Just like exploring new places, your marriage is an adventure filled with ups, downs, and incredible experiences. So, fasten your seat belt and let...

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How To Be Married

This past weekend I was away for my birthday camping, it was absolutely AMAZING!

I had the most perfectly quiet Saturday morning while everyone else was sleeping, to spend with God and my pen.

I encourage each of you to read and then take some time and write your own marriage story.

Let me be compl...

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